I am just the dust of the earth and no one is beneath me.
The only thing special about me is that I am forgiven and (I Am God’s Dirt)
I want to tell you about a miracle that happened to me about 4 or 5 months ago.
I had an old computer that I used to work on my website and write letters on it was so slow and it would make funny noises and would often freeze up or even just shut down for no apparent reason.
My Son (the computer genius) who lives in Nevada felt sorry for me and offered to build me a modern computer if I would buy the parts for him to assemble a new computer.
But seeing that I am a disabled Vietnam era veteran on a fixed income and yes I do write books but my book sales only came to $30 to $40 a month then. I just did not see a way, other than buying a
single part every month and in 8 or 9 months I would have my new computer.
My Son sent me a parts list for cheap (but good) computer parts, where to buy them and how much they cost.
I added up his parts bill and it came to $310.00
But when I checked on one of the parts I don’t know if my Son got the price wrong or if they raised the price by $20 on that item.
So now my total was $330.00 and some change. I might as well be buying a seat on the International Space Station (so I thought). But I gave it to God and I prayed on it.
And after that I did not really dwell on it because I really did not see a way I could do this without God’s help.
But 7 days after my Son sent me that parts list I got my first donation (or gift) to my online ministry.
One of my viewers (known to me and to God) sent me $333.00 out of the blue. I have never received that much from a donation before or since.
I have gotten several smaller donations and each and every one is very much appreciated and needed and they would come right at a critical time when I needed ink for my printer or postage to mail out a mailing.
But this $333.00 gift just floored me and it was very much a God thing, only God knew I needed a new computer and only God knew that the parts price list was short by $20 and that the total was $330.00 and some change.
I thank that person every time I turn my computer on, that sent me the $333.00 I still call out their name before God for blessings, peace and favors because they listened and they obeyed God.
And yes I have a new computer but I see it as God’s computer and NOT mine. And I only use this computer in the Lord’s service and nothing else.
I also know that if I ever use this computer to go somewhere I am not suppose to go that God can just as easily take it from me. So I will be the good steward of God’s computer and I will be faithful and true with it.
I pray for everyone that gives to my ministry and I also pray for those who can not afford to give and I pray for you. I am faithful and I am true to God that I use every single penny that is given to me,
that it further the full gospel, the full word of God and be a beacon of light to the world.
I will never ever buy private jets, million dollar homes, gold and silver, limousines and such trappings of a sin filled lifestyle.
Unfortunately I can not say that about most of these TV preachers living in multi-million dollar homes on private compounds with private airports, several private jets, millions of dollars in the bank,
riding around in limousines and living like rock stars. (They have their reward and they have a special place waiting for them in hell.)
I do not have a staff to pay so when you donate $10.00 I will normally buy $11.00 in stamps to do my mailings with.
I am NOT saying all TV preachers are bad only the ones who misuse GOD’S MONEY. There are some very good and God fearing TV preachers but they are few and far in between, I am sorry to say.
Every single penny donated to this ministry is God’s money and every single penny weather it be from book sales or from gifts to this ministry, all of it goes into God’s work.
And that work is to spread the good news of the gospel around the world.
To remind people, there is hope and salvation in Jesus Christ in these troubled times.
To save the lost.
Strengthen the weak.
Pray for healing for the sick, weary and injured.
And to Add nothing to the Word of God
And to take nothing away from the word of God.
To mail out Bibles and to leave as many Bibles as possible in the public.
I am NOT interested in riches, jets, boats, fancy homes, money in the bank, none of that interests me. I am building up my treasure up in heaven and I am not looking at what
‘I can get in this world’ But rather what I will receive in heaven as my reward.
I am reminded of old Sam Walton who founded Walmart even when he was a Billionaire he still drove around Bentonville, Arkansas in his old pick up truck, wearing cover-all's and he still got his
hair cut at his favorite old barbershop where everyone treated him like he was just one of the men in the shop and nothing special. (I do not know if he was a Christian but he was a good man and a good example).
After all we are only here on this earth a short time a mist and a vapor and then it’s gone, you are gone and I am gone. So make the most of where you will spend eternity and not where you will spend only a few minutes of time.
I will put my trust in Jesus as his word is true and Jesus has never lied and never deceived any man.
What man can say that.
As for me and my house we will serve the Lord.
God is good all the time.
And god is in control.
God Bless you and God keep you and yours in these troubled times.
God Bless you and God keep you and yours!
Watchman Tony Lamb
I carry my Bible with me where ever I go, out shopping, restaurants, doctors offices everywhere. If you see me out without my Bible it's because I have given my Bible away!
Maybe you should consider 'Picking up your cross (your Bible) and follow Jesus' Remember if you deny Jesus before men Jesus will deny you to the Father.
God Bless you and God keep you
Watchman Tony Lamb
I have also sent my audio CD titled 'THE WARNING' to every Christian Talk Radio station in America. Be sure to call your local Christian Radio station and request that they play 'THE WARNING' by Tony Lamb.
Thank you for your support.
Without support from faithful viewers like you, my ministry would not be possible.
I have no staff, it’s just me and I do not take any money for myself from this ministry.
All money donated to this ministry goes to further this ministry only.